Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tying Flies

Here are some of the recent patterns I have tied up. My camera does not have a very good macro, but I did the best I could.

Black Beauty:

Zebra Midge Emerger:

Elk Hair Caddis:

This EHC is a breakthrough for me because of the tapered body. I used to struggle with tapering the dubbing and I am very proud of this edition. I have been killing it with these orange ones which double as a stimulator.

BH Woolly Bugger (hackleless):

This pattern is a cutty slayer. It caught the larger cutty in the Lake Dorothy thread and the 26 incher. The funny thing is that tying this fly sans hackle was originally a mistake I had made. None the less it went in the fly box and ended up making a name for itself. I now tie this coloration with and without black hackle and always have both in the box.

This particular specimen is a little embarrassing because of the lump in the midsection due to the wire wrap reinforcement. Oh well.

Other patterns I've been tying include brassies in chartruse, red, silver, gold, and copper. Also, miracle nymphs, and I'm always trying to keep up with czech nymphs. I'm still refining the complicated CZN fly so I can't post any pictures of them yet.

More to come.

**Here is my camera setup for taking photos of the flies which will also be getting improvements. First and foremost I need more lighting....

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